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- Neurotech News #1: Hello World
Neurotech News #1: Hello World
Updates, research, and analysis by Dynamic Neurotech
by Robert Murcko
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Neurotechnology News! In this newsletter you’ll find updates on cutting edge research, reporting on neurotech focused startups, analysis of industry trends, and opinions from my collaborators and I on the current state and future of the field. There is a ton happening in neurotechnology these days, so we will focus on the highlights and the topics that have been at front of mind.

Dynamic Neurotech
Nature listed brain-computer interfaces as one of their “seven technologies to watch in 2024.” We’re about a quarter of the way through the year and this technology is living up to that prediction on several fronts. Lately we’re seeing neurotechnology and BCI really start to emerge into the mainstream. This innovative field is rapidly becoming part of the public dialogue and making its way into popular culture. Scientific and engineering progress in this space is happening at a breathtaking pace. Investments in brain health and technology are continuing to grow.
Neurotechnology is a highly interdisciplinary field and through the past several years we’re seeing significant advancements in nearly all of the associated disciplines. From machine learning to materials science-researchers are breaking new ground. These discoveries are making their way into innovative technologies that in some cases could have only been dreamed of 20 or even 10 years ago.
The future looks incredibly bright from where I stand. I’m glad that we’re all here to go along for the ride. Now without further ado - let's dive into the details.
In Today’s Issue
Research Round-Up
Using LFP recordings from DBS to derive novel insights
Customizing human-avatar mapping based on EEG error related potentials
Extended stability and automatic recalibration in implanted BCIs
Q1 Funding Overview
Further Explorations and Reading
Letter from the Editor
Research Round Up: Recent Papers That Caught Our Interest
by Robert Murcko, Yuqing Wang, Holland Ernst
The human subthalamic nucleus transiently inhibits active attentional processes [Accepted Manuscript] (Soh et al., March 2024)
The subthalamic nucleus (STN) is known to be important for the inhibitory control of motor activity. There is a hypothesis that the STN can also inhibit non-motor related activity and that deep brain stimulation of that region would affect that non-motor inhibition response. This hypothesis was tested in human Parkinson’s Disease patients with existing DBS implants in the STN region.
Two separate experiments were conducted within this study and there was 0% overlap in the participant samples.
Experiment 1
Intracranial local field potentials (LFPs) were recorded from DBS implants in the participant’s STN brain regions during a set of visual attention tasks. High density EEGs (HD EEGs) were also used for pinpointing steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEPs) during these tasks. This experiment played surprising and distracting sounds during the visual task and then tracked and analyzed the biosignals above to quantitatively determine if STN activity correlates to inhibition of SSVEP.
Results of experiment 1 showed gamma frequencies (greater than 60 Hz) in the STN preceding a drop in SSVEP after the distracting sounds were played. Analysis performed across trials suggested with statistical significance that the gamma activity in the STN moderated the effect of distracting sounds on the SSVEPs.
Figure 3A (Soh et al., 2024)
Experiment 2
In the second experiment, STN activity was modulated via the DBS implant across two separate study sessions of the same task from experiment 1. The intent of this experiment was to run a causal test of the relationship between STN activity and non-motor inhibition.
Results of experiment 2 showed that when the STN is stimulated via DBS the SSVEP reductions caused by distracting sounds were minimized. This is evidence that STN plays a role in attentional-inhibition in moments of surprise.
Importance: This work provides evidence for the theory that STN DBS treatment affects cognitive processes and functioning. It is also an important example of rigorous research conducted using the subcortical LFPs from implanted DBS devices in an outpatient setting.
Next Steps: Next steps may include investigation of STN function in working memory or other non-motor functions. It may also include further exploration of the possible cognitive side effects of STN DBS.
Customizing the human-avatar mapping based on EEG error related potentials (Iwane et al., March 2024)
Via ErrPs in EEG recording, the novel VR-integrated BCI detects breaks-in-embodiment (BiE) to enable auto-adjustment of the human-avatar mapping.
Results demonstrate successful prediction and customization of mapping using BCI-reinforcement learning without interruption to the user’s experience. The system maintains user engagement and immersive experiences in VR while detecting and correcting issues.
Participants’ perception of distortion and occurrence of BiE increased progressively with the magnitude of distortion introduced in the virtual environment. However, both personalized and non-personalized decoders successfully detected BiE with high accuracy and the algorithm effectively determined the optimal distortion level based on users’ implicit feedback.
Importance: This innovative approach addresses a crucial challenge in VR applications by enhancing user experience through real-time adjustment of human-avatar mapping. Implicit detection and correction of errors without interrupting user interaction allows for customization and offers significant implications for maintaining engagement and immersion in VR environments, with broader implications for commercial VR products.
Next Steps: The authors mentioned potential future directions of the BCI-VR system over longitudinal sessions to assess the generalizability of the decoder and the user’s adaptability to visuo-proprioceptive conflicts over time. The continued advancement of BCI-VR technology holds promise for optimizing human-avatar interactions and enhancing immersive experiences in virtual environments. Further optimizing the BCI- VR system for commercial applications should be explored.
Plug-and-Play Stability for Intracortical Brain-Computer Interfaces: A One-Year Demonstration of Seamless Brain-to-Text Communication (Fan et al., February 2024)
A method of self-calibration for communication intracortical brain-computer interfaces (iBCIs) is proposed. These systems have classically required supervised data collection for calibration.
The proposed method uses LLMs to automatically correct output errors from the iBCI. The corrected outputs (aka pseudo-labels) are used to continuously update and calibrate the iBCI’s decoding algorithm. These updates occur online and do not inhibit the user from using the system during calibration. The framework is called Continual Online Recalibration with Pseudo-labels (CORP).
CORP was evaluated on one clinical trial participant over the course of 403 days. An accuracy level of 93.84% was achieved in decoding for an online handwriting task. This showed substantial improvement compared to baseline methods.
The process that this framework follows is a bit complex, but the figure below gives a good flow chart of how the information flows. The key point is that new data (threshold crossing neural features and large language model outputs) are combined and augmented with the older versions of these same data sources. Then an optimization algorithm called stochastic gradient descent is applied to this merged data to allow for updates to the recurrent neural network that is doing most of the “heavy lifting” in the decoding process.
Figure 1 (Fan et al., 2024)
Importance: Because neural signals are not stationary and tend to see drift over relatively short time spans, a key problem that limits clinical translation of iBCIs is the need to constantly manually recalibrate these systems (on the time scale of every couple days). This work is one of the early steps towards removing this limitation. This work is also important because it represents the longest ever successful demonstration of iBCI stability in a human subject.
Next Steps: The authors mentioned several potential areas of further exploration including: combining CORP with distribution alignment methods, investigation of approaches for limiting distribution shift in machine learning algorithms, and investigating the performance of CORP in other iBCI applications (example: speech decoding). Furthermore, the investigation can be expanded to sample sizes larger than n = 1 to confirm that the improvements in iBCI stability can be effective and repeatable across participants.
Mapping dysfunctional circuits in the frontal cortex using deep brain stimulation (Hollunder et al., February 2024)
It is critical to identify what frontal circuits/domains are responsible for specific brain (dys)functions.
Many brain functions originate from disrupted connections between the frontal cortex and basal ganglia. The subthalamic nucleus (STN) and striatum are two direct input nuclei to the basal ganglia. STN’s smaller size makes it a favorable stimulation target. STN simulation has been shown as effective therapy for 4 disorders (Parkinson’s disease (PD), dystonia (DYT), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and Tourette’s syndrome (TS)). Using the targeted brain areas that responded better to stimulation, we can pick out from the STN bundle, the circuits that were problematic in the first place.
DBS treatment acts as a ‘functional lesion’ to downregulate specific neural circuits. The researchers employed the data analysis technique of DBS Sweet Spot Mapping. This method is employed as follows: Calculate a mapping of E-field magnitudes in a 3D volumetric-pixel (voxel) space, where each box in the grid stores E-field information in a 3D volume in space. Then perform a Spearman’s Rank Correlations between a) E-field magnitude and b) patient condition improvement. This results in a voxelized grid of association between entities a and b, we call the strongest association area, a ‘sweet spot’.
Figure 1 (Hollunder et al., 2024)
The analysis found that the most critical areas for each disorder are:
DYT: interconnections with somatosensory and primary motor cortices
TS: the supplementary motor areas (SMA)
PD: the premotor retions and SMAs
OCD: ventromedial prefrontal, dorsal anterior cingulate, dorsalateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortices
Importance: As brain implants and stimulation devices become more prevalent, this paper is an important example of how we can make good use of the data these systems generate.
Next Steps: This paper represents a critical step towards integrating DBS and brain connectomics as a scientific tool to further understand the relations between brain structure and disorders.
All I See is Green: A Selection of Eye-Popping Deals
by Robert Murcko
I wasn’t kidding when I said neurotech investment is trending upwards. Companies in this vertical “raised $1.4 billion across 115 deals in 2023,” per PitchBook. And if the list below is any indication…2024 seems to be heating up across the neuro-investment landscape as well.

Generated by Google Gemini
A selection of nearly $450M in deal flow:
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
In addition to the above - over the past few weeks I’ve spoken with founders and executives of several promising neurotech startups that are still looking to raise. To the investors reading this - it's never too late to get into this electrifying vertical.
Further Explorations and Reading
by Robert Murcko
Papers up next on my reading list
Speaking without vocal folds using a machine-learning-assisted wearable sensing-actuation system
Reliability of brain metrics derived from a Time-Domain Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System [Preprint]
Computational modeling of dorsal root ganglion stimulation using an Injectrode
A direct spinal cord–computer interface enables the control of the paralysed hand in spinal cord injury [Accepted Manuscript]
Geometric Neural Network Based on Phase Space for BCI Decoding [Preprint]
Other Neurotech Newsletters
Astrocyte* (by Peter Zhegin)
Neurotech Futures (by Naveen Rao)
Letter from the editor
by Robert Murcko
This newsletter is my honest attempt to build a science communication channel and community. Here you will find the notes and musings of my collaborators and I as we explore the field of neurotechnology and share our journey and learnings with you. I aim to build this into a useful and interesting resource for seasoned neurotechnology innovators, students/technologists who are new to the field, and everyone in between.
That being said - to the readers - feel free to send any and all feedback my way. Either reply directly to this email or send me a message at ([email protected]). Let me know what content resonates with you and what you’d like to see more of. But don’t stop there. I’d love to hear any of your criticisms or suggestions so that I can continue improving my reporting and analysis. Thanks in advance and great to have you as part of the Dynamic Neurotech community.
Disclaimers: This newsletter is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Do not make any medical or financial decisions based on information contained in this newsletter. Opinions expressed here are solely my own and those of my collaborators. They do not necessarily represent the opinions of the organizations that we are involved with or affiliated with. Errors in reporting may be present - if errors are identified, corrections will be published in future issues.